One week
It's been a week since I last posted. I'm starting to get into the routine of things over here and developing some friendships. Last Thursday there was a guys night board game night. We played Betrayal at House on the Hill. If you're looking for a spooky time, this game is great. You wander around a house until some event triggers 'the haunt'. Then one person randomly becomes the bad guy and you have to try and survive/win. After a couple games of that we switched to Exploding Kittens which is also really fun.

Saturday, Tim and I walked around the city in what was one of the first days where it was warm enough to actually be outside. Pictures are up on Facebook. Then Saturday night was a birthday party at a gourmet pizza place. There was some confusion with the reservation so we weren't seated for an hour, but they gave us 10 bucks off of each of our pizzas. For a party of 16 that's a good amount. :) The birthday after-party was another game night where we played What Do You Meme? It's like Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity, but with memes. The picture is random and you have to pick a caption to go with it. I'm not a fan of those style of games, but it was still a good time.

At church one of my friends that I went to Haiti with was promoted to Operations Director. So she's basically in charge of everything! Please pray for her in her new fancy position. She's going to rock it, but there's always the temptation to overwork yourself.
Job news. The junior position people made me an offer, but it was way too low, and when I tried to negotiate for a higher position, they rescinded their offer. That's fine. I didn't get a good vibe from them anyways. It sounded like I would be walking into a huge mess and need to fix everything.

Last week, I had a phone interview for a different position. Senior Incentive Analyst for Huntington Bank. I'm supposed to hear back sometime this week. This one sounds way better, so I have my fingers crossed for this one. You can't get unemployment if you quit, so I'm going to need a job sooner rather than later.

Saturday, Tim and I walked around the city in what was one of the first days where it was warm enough to actually be outside. Pictures are up on Facebook. Then Saturday night was a birthday party at a gourmet pizza place. There was some confusion with the reservation so we weren't seated for an hour, but they gave us 10 bucks off of each of our pizzas. For a party of 16 that's a good amount. :) The birthday after-party was another game night where we played What Do You Meme? It's like Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity, but with memes. The picture is random and you have to pick a caption to go with it. I'm not a fan of those style of games, but it was still a good time.

At church one of my friends that I went to Haiti with was promoted to Operations Director. So she's basically in charge of everything! Please pray for her in her new fancy position. She's going to rock it, but there's always the temptation to overwork yourself.
Job news. The junior position people made me an offer, but it was way too low, and when I tried to negotiate for a higher position, they rescinded their offer. That's fine. I didn't get a good vibe from them anyways. It sounded like I would be walking into a huge mess and need to fix everything.
Last week, I had a phone interview for a different position. Senior Incentive Analyst for Huntington Bank. I'm supposed to hear back sometime this week. This one sounds way better, so I have my fingers crossed for this one. You can't get unemployment if you quit, so I'm going to need a job sooner rather than later.
Hope you hear something good soon!